CompTIA A+ Core 2 Software Troubleshooting Quiz 2

Which utility checks for file system errors on a Windows disk?
A) sfc
B) ipconfig
C) chkdsk
D) ping
What should you try first when an application freezes and becomes unresponsive?
A) Restart the system
B) Reinstall the application
C) End the application through Task Manager
D) Update the OS
What does 'Safe Mode' do on a Windows system?
A) Runs Windows with minimal drivers for troubleshooting
B) Optimizes system for speed
C) Disables network access
D) Removes all applications
What is a common cause of a slow-running computer?
A) Updated OS
B) Running multiple background processes
C) Low CPU usage
D) Fast internet connection
What might be the issue if an application consistently fails to open on startup?
A) Hardware failure
B) Software corruption or missing dependencies
C) Incorrect resolution settings
D) CPU overheating
What is the purpose of the Windows 'System File Checker' (SFC) tool?
A) To monitor network traffic
B) To check for and repair corrupted system files
C) To manage disk space
D) To create a backup
What might cause frequent BSODs (Blue Screen of Death) on a Windows system?
A) Outdated drivers
B) Unused disk space
C) Low screen resolution
D) Fast CPU
Which of the following is used to identify issues in software and drivers?
A) Task Manager
B) Event Viewer
C) File Explorer
D) Disk Management
Which command can be used in Windows to display all network connections and their statuses?
A) ipconfig
B) ping
C) netstat
D) tracert
If a program takes up too much RAM, what is one possible solution?
A) Use Task Scheduler
B) Close other applications
C) Run Disk Cleanup
D) Open File Explorer

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