CompTIA A+ Core 2 Software Troubleshooting Quiz 1

What tool in Windows is commonly used to diagnose application errors?
A) Task Scheduler
B) Event Viewer
C) Control Panel
D) File Explorer
Which of the following can cause a computer to operate slowly?
A) Sufficient RAM
B) Malware infection
C) Updated drivers
D) Solid-state drive (SSD)
What is the primary purpose of 'Safe Mode' in Windows?
A) Regular use
B) Access system with minimum drivers for troubleshooting
C) Enhanced graphics
D) Faster performance
Which command repairs corrupted system files in Windows?
A) chkdsk
B) sfc /scannow
C) ping
D) ipconfig
What symptom might indicate a failing hard drive?
A) Sudden shutdowns
B) Corrupted files
C) Slow performance
D) All of the above
Which utility in Windows can help resolve network issues by releasing and renewing IP addresses?
A) chkdsk
B) sfc
C) ipconfig
D) ping
What is a potential cause of application crashes?
A) Too much RAM
B) Corrupted files or incompatible updates
C) Fast internet
D) Latest OS version
Which troubleshooting step involves checking if the issue occurs in a newly created user account?
A) Hardware replacement
B) Reboot
C) Testing under a different profile
D) File restoration
What is a potential fix for an unresponsive application?
A) Restarting the computer
B) Clearing memory
C) Ending the application through Task Manager
D) Updating the keyboard driver
Which command in Windows displays all network connections and port numbers?
A) netstat
B) chkdsk
C) ipconfig
D) sfc

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