CompTIA A+ Core 2 Security Quiz 2

What type of malware disguises itself as legitimate software?
A) Virus
B) Trojan
C) Worm
D) Spyware
What is the primary function of a firewall?
A) To scan for malware
B) To manage network traffic and block unauthorized access
C) To encrypt data
D) To backup data
Which term describes unsolicited emails sent in bulk to multiple recipients?
A) Malware
B) Phishing
C) Spam
D) Spear phishing
Which encryption method is widely used for Wi-Fi networks?
What is a rootkit?
A) A type of phishing attack
B) Malware that hides its presence and grants unauthorized access
C) A tool for encrypting data
D) A method of securing emails
What does the acronym 'HTTPS' stand for?
A) Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
B) Hypertext Transfer Protocol Service
C) Hypertext Transfer Packet Secure
D) Hypertext Transfer Protocol Standard
Which of the following security practices helps protect against phishing attacks?
A) Using complex passwords
B) Being cautious with email links and attachments
C) Updating operating systems regularly
D) Using secure network connections
Which of these is an example of biometric authentication?
A) Password
B) Fingerprint scanner
C) PIN code
D) Two-factor authentication
Which security tool is commonly used to detect malware on a system?
A) Firewall
B) Antivirus software
C) Router
D) Password manager
What is the purpose of multi-factor authentication (MFA)?
A) To improve network speed
B) To require multiple forms of verification for login
C) To simplify password recovery
D) To create stronger encryption

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