CompTIA A+ Core 2 Security Quiz 1

Which of the following is a common method for securing wireless networks?
What does two-factor authentication require?
A) Only a password
B) A password and username
C) Two forms of identification, such as a password and a fingerprint
D) A fingerprint only
What type of malware is designed to monitor user activities without permission?
A) Virus
B) Spyware
C) Worm
D) Rootkit
Which of these is an example of social engineering?
A) Phishing
B) Firewall configuration
C) Installing antivirus software
D) Using complex passwords
Which of the following prevents unauthorized access by managing network traffic?
A) Firewall
B) Router
C) Switch
D) Wi-Fi
Which term describes the act of pretending to be someone else to gain access to data?
A) Hacking
B) Impersonation
C) Authorization
D) Encryption
What does the acronym 'VPN' stand for?
A) Virtual Private Network
B) Verified Public Network
C) Virtual Public Network
D) Verified Private Network
Which of the following is considered physical security?
A) Firewall
B) Password
C) Biometric access controls
D) Antivirus
What type of attack involves overwhelming a network with traffic?
B) SQL Injection
C) Phishing
D) Brute Force
What is the purpose of encryption?
A) To speed up network performance
B) To make data unreadable to unauthorized users
C) To share files
D) To organize files

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