CompTIA A+ Core 2 Operational Procedures Quiz 2

Which of the following is essential for preventing unauthorized access to a secure facility?
A) Screen locks
B) Access control systems
C) Power backups
D) Anti-virus software
Which documentation type is essential for understanding the flow of technical operations within a company?
A) Backup logs
B) Standard operating procedures (SOP)
C) Error messages
D) Firewall logs
What is the purpose of grounding in electronics handling?
A) Increases speed
B) Protects equipment from static discharge
C) Reduces costs
D) Increases power output
Why is a disaster recovery plan critical for an organization?
A) To reduce employee turnover
B) To ensure business continuity after a disaster
C) To increase system speed
D) To improve wireless security
What is an anti-static wrist strap used for?
A) Reducing data corruption
B) Grounding the user to prevent static discharge
C) Improving RAM performance
D) Protecting CPU from overheating
What does a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) provide?
A) Permanent power
B) Backup power during outages
C) High-speed internet
D) Improved CPU speed
Which of the following can help ensure data availability during hardware failure?
A) Data backups and redundancy
B) Low-level formatting
C) Data compression
D) Increased CPU capacity
Why is an acceptable use policy important for IT?
A) Allows unrestricted access
B) Defines acceptable usage and mitigates legal risks
C) Improves software performance
D) Controls data usage
What is the main purpose of an equipment inventory?
A) To maintain device locations and update records
B) To improve system performance
C) To enable faster boot times
D) To monitor network traffic
What is a common practice for safely working on internal computer components?
A) Wearing an anti-static wrist strap
B) Using magnetic tools
C) Leaving the device on
D) Avoiding physical contact

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