CompTIA A+ Core 2 Operational Procedures Quiz 1

Why is change management important in IT?
A) Identifies software buyers
B) Documents and approves changes for accountability
C) Monitors malware infections
D) Tracks hardware inventory
What is a physical security measure?
A) Antivirus software
B) Biometric access controls
C) Password policies
D) Two-factor authentication
Which of these is considered preventative maintenance?
A) Applying software updates
B) Replacing failed components
C) Monitoring event logs
D) Restoring data after failure
What safety measure reduces static electricity when handling computer components?
A) Using magnetic tools
B) Keeping the device powered on
C) Anti-static wrist strap
D) Using gloves
Why is documentation essential in operational procedures?
A) Helps with network speed
B) Prevents network hacking
C) Provides a record for future troubleshooting and training
D) Reduces the need for passwords
What is a common practice to prevent data loss?
A) Only using SSDs
B) Regular backups
C) Buying new hardware annually
D) Reducing system usage
What does ESD stand for in IT safety practices?
A) Electronic System Design
B) Electrical System Debugging
C) Electrostatic Discharge
D) Energy System Device
Which tool tracks IT assets and monitors their conditions?
A) Asset management system
B) Firewall
C) Control Panel
D) Anti-malware tool
What is the goal of environmental monitoring in data centers?
A) Track network traffic
B) Ensure hardware is used frequently
C) Monitor temperature and humidity
D) Only control access
Why is incident response important?
A) Saves time for regular maintenance
B) Mitigates damage and documents response steps
C) Simplifies user access
D) Updates all software

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