CompTIA A+ Core 2 Operating Systems Quiz 2

Which command is used in Windows to display IP address configuration?
A) ipconfig
B) ping
C) chkdsk
D) netstat
What does the Linux command 'pwd' display?
A) Current directory path
B) Files in the directory
C) System users
D) Network settings
Which of these is a virtual memory feature that allows hard drive space to function as additional RAM in Windows?
A) ReadyBoost
B) System Restore
C) Paging
D) Disk Cleanup
What file system is commonly used for USB drives due to its compatibility across different operating systems?
D) FAT32
What is the primary purpose of 'Safe Mode' in Windows?
A) To optimize performance
B) To load Windows with minimal drivers for troubleshooting
C) To increase system security
D) To enable graphics settings
Which Linux command is used to navigate to a different directory?
A) ls
B) mv
C) cd
D) cp
In Windows, what tool can be used to restore the system to a previous state?
A) Disk Management
B) System Restore
C) Control Panel
D) Device Manager
What is the function of the 'chmod' command in Linux?
A) Change file permissions
B) Move files
C) Delete files
D) Create directories
Which feature allows a Windows system to be reset to its original state while keeping personal files?
A) System Restore
B) Reset This PC
C) Disk Cleanup
D) Task Manager
Which file system is used primarily on Windows systems for the main drive?

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