CompTIA A+ Core 2 Operating Systems Quiz 1

Which of the following operating systems is commonly used in server environments and is open-source?
A) Windows 10
B) macOS
C) Linux
D) iOS
Which command lists files in the current directory on a Linux system?
A) dir
B) ls
C) copy
D) mv
What is the primary purpose of the 'Control Panel' in Windows?
A) To view files
B) To adjust system settings and hardware configurations
C) To download applications
D) To access files
Which file system is typically used on macOS?
B) FAT32
What does the Linux command 'rm' do?
A) Renames files
B) Removes files
C) Creates directories
D) Lists files
In Windows, which utility allows you to view and terminate running processes?
A) Control Panel
B) System Configuration
C) Task Manager
D) Command Prompt
What is the purpose of the Linux command 'chmod'?
A) Change file permissions
B) Create files
C) List files
D) Terminate processes
Which command in Windows is used to repair system files?
A) sfc
B) dir
C) chmod
D) ping
Which of the following is a command-line interface used on Windows?
A) Bash
B) Terminal
C) Command Prompt
D) Finder
What is the purpose of the Windows utility 'Disk Management'?
A) Manage hard drives and partitions
B) Control user access
C) Optimize system performance
D) Track application errors

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